The Person of Wisdom


Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?

"God created the heavens and the earth, believe it or not, what has been has already been." 

Raye S Edi

"Better is little with the fear of the LORD than great treasure and trouble with it."  

 Proverbs 15:16

"He that gets wisdom loves his own soul: he that keeps understanding shall find good."

Proverbs 19:8

"Enjoy while you can, eat while you can, laugh while you can, however, remember those that cannot laugh, give a helping hand."

Raye S Edi

Soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger - Proverbs 15:1

Sweet words are sweet to the soul and health to the bones. They are like medicine - Proverbs 16:24

Laughter makes the heart glad - Proverbs 17:22

"Whatever your colour, God created all. With your eyes covered, you feel a person and not the colour.”

Raye S Edi

Wisdom is better than rubies, and all that may be desired.

Proverbs 1: 11

Wisdom will take you to where you don’t expect to be.

Praise God at all times and gain His favour. Praise Him in judgement and He will not withhold His mercy.

Habakkuk 3:2

He will not withhold His mercy from them that love Him.

 There is the permissive will of God and there is the perfect will of God, seek His perfect will and it shall be well with you.

John 6:38

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